Dal mese di Maggio 2019, la modalità di pagamento delle integrazioni avverrà solo tramite BONIFICO BANCARIO.


The association

As part of the negotiations of agricultural and floricultural workers in the province of Mantua, in order to sustain the incomes of workers on furlough due to illness or injury, without excessively penalizing the farms where they were employees, the establishment of a "Commission for the integration of inter-union health insurance of casual and permanent agricultural workers" was approved in the Provincial Inter-Union Agreement signed on February 25, 1963, headquartered in the former Agriculture Building in Piazza Martiri di Belfiore n. 7, in order to provide the above-named workers, absent from work due to illness in the 1962-63 agricultural year, with supplementary income to that paid by I.N.A.M. (National Institute Illness Assistance).

With the increase of benefits and the need to ensure new provisions and new services for workers, as a result of constructive dialogue between the signatory trade unions of the Provincial Agricultural Agreement, the FISBA-CISL (now FAI-CISL), FLAI -CGIL, UILA-UIL Trade Unions, representing the workers, and the Provincial Farmers Union (now CONFAGRICOLTURA), the Provincial Federation of Farmers (now Provincial Federation COLDIRETTI) and the Italian Confederation of Farmers of Mantua, representing the Employers, with a notarial deed dated December 28, 1995, transformed the Inter-Union Commission into C.I.M.I. – UNEMPLOYMENT FUND FOR ILLNESS AND ACCIDENTS for Agricultural and Floricultural Workers of the Province of Mantua giving it an autonomous, organic and legitimate institutional presence.
